Cough With Phlegm: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments
A cough is a response when your nose has been exposed to mucus, dust, or any other particle. The body reacts to such particles by coughing. Cough with phlegm might be an indication of infection like the common cold.
When exposed to irritants, the respiratory system produces more mucus than usual to help trap and remove these irritants from the body. Sticky mucus is coughed up from the lungs and throat and the excessive amount of mucus can cause a cough with phlegm.
The cough is the most common disease. But it is important to understand its symptoms, causes, and treatment as well, to manage it properly & live a healthy life.
Symptoms of Cough with Phlegm
Although there are several symptoms they can change depending on the condition of the person. Some of the common symptoms include
- Heavy Nose
- Irritation in the throat
- Fever
- Coughing
- Muscle Pains
- Fatigue
- Headache
Coughing might not be a serious health condition but if not managed properly it can harm you. It is essential that if you experience any of these symptoms consult your doctor.
Causes of Cough with Phlegm
There are various factors in the causes of cough with phlegm. It can be from mild like simple infections to severe. Some of the common causes include
- Smoking – Smoking substances like cigarettes or marijuana or getting exposed to secondhand smoke(passive smoker) can create problems for the respiratory tract and that can cause coughing.
- Infections – Illness like fever, flu, and the common cold is the most common causes. These illnesses are caused by infections in the nose or the throat which directly lead to cough.
- Allergies – It is one of the most common causes of cough. As a patient is exposed to dust or any other particle he is allergic to it can lead to excess mucus production.
- Post-nasal drip – It is the condition where the excess production of mucus drips down to the throat from the back of the nose and triggers coughing.
- Asthma – Asthma is a respiratory condition that is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways in the lungs. This condition creates episodes of wheezing and coughing.
- Side effects from medicines – Some of the medicines can cause coughing as their side effect.
To get the proper treatment for yourself, it is essential to determine the cause of your coughing issue. Transparency with your healthcare professional is vital for that.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosis of cough with phlegm is an easy process. You need to simply visit your doctor and he might ask you some questions related to your condition. All you need to do is answer all that questions and give accurate information to get the best treatment.
Treatment of the cough is dependent on the cause or the symptom of the patient. If it’s a common cold or flu it will go away on its own. Some causes need proper treatment which is
- Take Proper Medication – If you are not getting better consult your doctor for medication advice or take OTC medications.
- Change in Lifestyle – Be aware of your eating habits, avoid smoking, do physical activities, and get proper rest.
- Stay Hydrated – Staying hydrated can be the best cure for most diseases.
- Be aware of your allergies – Avoid the particles you are allergic to and try to reduce your exposure to them.
- Use a Humidifier – Using a humidifier in your home can help loosen phlegm in your lungs and clear mucus so you can cough it up easier.
Prevention of Cough with Phlegm
To prevent getting sick from a cough it is necessary to take some measures and change your lifestyle for proper management. Some of the tips to prevent it include
- Avoid harmful drinks – Consuming an excess amount of alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration and can impact your throat which can lead to coughing.
- Keep a safe distance – Keep your distance from people who are sick with any kind of disease which spreads through air or touch.
- Stay hygienic – Always wash your hands after getting home from the outside to prevent germs from causing problems for you.
- Quit Smoking – If you are an active smoker you should quit smoking and prevent getting exposed to secondhand smoke.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle – Maintain a proper diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest so that the body can function properly.
In conclusion, coughing is a small and very common disease but if not managed properly it can also cause some serious problems. A cough is a response when your nose has been exposed to mucus, dust, or any other particle. The body reacts to such particles by coughing.
There are many symptoms and causes of coughing with phlegm. Consult your healthcare professional or a doctor if you experience any symptoms. Treatment and prevention can be managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding things that can affect your health.
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